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Posts tagged West Midlands One

Regional Final 6.1: West Midlands One

West Midlands One Regional Final s5.4


West Midlands One Regional Final s5.3

Sunday 4th December 2011   Time: 2:00pm Venue: Circus Casino Where: Birmingham No. of Players: 163 Regional Final Winner: Michael Nowak Red Lion, Kings Heath Team Event Winner: Hamstead, Birmingham Jagdeep Samira Darren Haywood Steven Avery

West Midlands One Regional Final Season 5.2

164 players arrived at the Circus Casino all hoping to win a seat at next year’s National Final and a chance to play on the final table in Las Vegas.

West Midlands One Regional Final Season 3 09/10

An increase of 28 players on last seasons Regional Final, making 206 in total battled it out in the 1st of two West Midlands Regional Finals for season 3 09/10. This shows what a great presence Redtooth have in the West Midlands and we send out a big thank you to everyone for your participation. […]

West Midlands One Regional Final Season 2 09/10

178 Runners fought it out at the Circus Casino at Star City in Birmingham for the first of the West Midlands regional finals.